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Northern Physio

95 Rose St
Essendon VIC 3041


Fax: (03) 9999 8888

Business hours

8:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm



Do I need a referral from a doctor?

In many cases, you can directly access physiotherapy without a doctor’s referral. However, some insurance plans or specific conditions might require a referral, so it’s best to check beforehand.

Do you get commonly asked questions?

Yes, we do. We get them all the time.

This is some generic text, intended to fill out the space. In doing so, this text simply serves to let the user gain a visual benchmark of what the space would look like when populated with actual text content.

This is some generic text, intended to fill out the space. In doing so, this text simply serves to let the user gain a visual benchmark of what the space would look like when populated with actual text content.

What type of questions do you get?

All types.

This is some generic text, intended to fill out the space. In doing so, this text simply serves to let the user gain a visual benchmark of what the space would look like when populated with actual text content. This is some generic text, intended to fill out the space. In doing so, this text simply serves to let the user gain a visual benchmark of what the space would look like when populated with actual text content.

What conditions do you treat?

We treat a wide range of conditions such as sports injuries, joint pain, back pain, post-operative rehabilitation, neurological conditions, and more.

Can I ask a third question?

Please do.

This is some generic text, intended to fill out the space. In doing so, this text simply serves to let the user gain a visual benchmark of what the space would look like when populated with actual text content.

How long will it take to see improvement?

Improvement timelines vary depending on the condition, individual factors, and adherence to the treatment plan. Consistency and following your therapist’s advice can expedite progress.

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